Monday, January 30, 2012

Job Entry Plan and Reflection

Job Entry Plan: Superintendent
First Day
Meet Staff – Assistant Superintendent, Supervisors, Directors, and Curriculum Coordinators
Understand the dynamics of the team and the process that the district has in place.
Activities addressing goals and objectives
I will meet with the Superintendent, Directors, Supervisors and Curriculum coordinators and begin to understand their roles in the district and their vision for the district.  I will ask them what areas they feel need to be improved to get an idea of areas that need improvement and their ideas of how we should address these weak areas.
Resources needed to achieve goals and objectives
Office space to meet, time, poster board to list visions for the district

First Week

Meet with Campus Principals within the school district
Understand the campus dynamics and the vision of the Principal.
Activities addressing goals and objectives
I will meet with campus Principals within the school district and begin to build a relationship with the Principals. We will discuss the vision for their campus and the needs of their campus.
Resources needed to achieve goals and objectives
Meeting space, time, and poster board to list their visions and their needs.

First Month

Build relationship with School Board and build collaborative environment with the Campus Leaders, Curriculum Coordinators, Directors and myself.
Create a collaborative team with Principals, Coordinators and myself.
Begin building a relationship with School Board members.
Activities addressing goals and objectives
I will set up bi-monthly meetings with Campus Principals, Curriculum Coordinators and myself to begin building a cohesive team that focuses on improving instruction in the classroom.  I will also meet with the School Board members on an individual basis and begin to build a relationship with them.
Resources needed to achieve goals and objectives
Meeting space, data from previous exams, snacks for staff, action plan to keep meeting focused

First Year
Create a cohesive team of Campus Administrators and District Administrators.
Evaluate District weaknesses and begin to plan for implementing solutions to improve weaknesses.
Continue to meet on a bi-monthly basis with Campus Administrators, Curriculum Coordinators and myself to build that cohesive team.
Continue to search for ways to improve weak areas in our district.
Activities addressing goals and objectives
Begin to create a plan to implement for the upcoming school year.  This plan would depend on the needs of the school district.  If possible, we would need to utilize current staff to meet the needs on the campuses. For example, if I were to remain in my district, I believe that bringing in campus coaches would improve the instruction that we have.  If we could utilize the staff we have, we could greatly improve the instructional relevance by incorporating that staff into becoming specialists at the campus level. This could be done using staff we currently have at our campuses, but we would need to redefine their positions.  If I were in a different district, that may be different depending on the needs of the campus.
Resources needed to achieve goals and objectives
Meeting place, professional development opportunities for staff

From writing this plan, I have learned that there are different ways to incorporate my vision into my school district.  Looking at implementing this plan, I would not begin the first day making changes.  I would want to meet and have these discussions with administrative staff to find out what they need in order to improve the instruction on their campuses.  I believe that administrators are aware of the needs on their campus but sometimes they feel their needs are not heard.  As Superintendent, I would want to make sure their concerns are heard and that we develop a plan of action to help solve the issues that they face.  Communication is the key to making this work and become a success.

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