Sunday, September 25, 2011

School FInance Week 5 Assignment

Week 5 Part 1
Standard 1.5 –
A principal was offered tickets to an Astros game by a friend who was also a vendor.  When the community and Board heard that the principal accepted that firm’s contract, they became upset with the decision that was made from the Principal.  They felt that the Principal was persuaded to the vendor due to the tickets that were given because they were nice box seats.
Short Term Consequence – An investigation was launched , the Principal was reprimanded for the unethical behavior, and was reassigned to another position within the district.
Long Term Consequence – This Principal may never have the opportunity to obtain a principal position again.  They may only be able to be a classroom teacher.
Standard 1.3 –
A Cheerleading Sponsor submitted the same expense from both budget and activity accounts.  An investigation was launched and the teacher was questioned.
Consequence -  Short Term - When the CFO saw this, they launched an investigation and fired the teacher.
Consequence – Long Term – This may inhibit this teacher from getting another educational position anywhere else.

Standard 1.2 –
A principal had maintenance come to their home and make repairs using school funds.  An investigation was launched and the Principal was questioned by the District.
Consequence - The principal was fired.

Standard  2.6 –
An educator promised a teacher that they could move up in their position because they had a relationship with them. 
Short Term Consequence – An investigation was launched.  The educator was moved into another position within the district.
Long Term Consequence – This educator may never obtain a leadership position in their career.

Standard 2.2 –
A Principal made false statements and created rumors about an employee.  An investigation was launched.
Consequence – The Principal was reassigned and written up for their actions.

Week 5 Part 1 Reflection:

I really enjoyed learning about ethical decisions in leadership.  I believe that all districts have employees who may not make ethical decisions and there must be a consequence that results from their behavior.  Sometimes, as we have discussed in earlier classes, leaders have not addressed their concerns and behaviors tend to grow uncontrollably.  Seeing what types of issues I may face also helps me understand what to look for and what to expect as a future Superintendent.  As Dr. Arterbury stated, as a leader, we are raised to a higher standard of conduct.  I truly believe that each administrator is held to that level and we must rise above because if not, we let down our entire community. 

Ensuring that your staff displays ethical behavior is something many leaders strive to accomplish.  As Dr. Arterbury stated, professional and ethical behavior must be modeled on a daily basis. This is the number one thing that districts and leaders can do.  He also mentioned that professionals must support others when their weaknesses become apparent.  I agree with this statement because we must support our staff so they know they have your support. 

I also think that being able to hear real-life experiences and seeing how others have handled issues really gives me something to fall back on.  I know this is something I will face as a leader and already have to some degree.  It also reminds me of the lecture that stated that leaders must always take the high road because we must always show the ethical side of us as well as the professional side.

Week 5 Part 2 & 3 Reflection:

As I look back on the assignments I have completed during this class, I believe that I have learned many things regarding finance and being able to effectively run a district.  In previous weeks, we have had to estimate what the projected revenue of a district would be.  This assignment was very insightful for me because I was able to see how to use the data to determine the income.  Another topic that I enjoyed learning was the WADA and look at how school districts spent their funds.  It was interesting to look at larger districts and although they may show they have more funding, it is neat to look at where their money goes.  For example, a larger district may have more teachers, but that may be due to funding.  This position allows larger districts to provide intervention and other extras whereas smaller districts do not have enough funding for these types of positions.  For myself, I am in a smaller district and have been able to see how my district does not have all of the extra positions that other larger districts have.  One example that stands out is that districts may have one person for textbooks and another for grants.  Smaller districts may combine this position with another curriculum position instead of having three separate positions.  I have enjoyed learning about the financial end at the district level.

From talking with my current Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent, I have been able to understand how my district performs audits as well as hear some of their experiences with unethical behavior in their employees.  Being able to see discuss some examples of different behaviors has helped me understand and see a realm of ideas for solving issues at the campus and district levels.  One thing that I really understood was hearing how we needed to be professional at all times and always take the high road.  It is funny how sometimes we question ourselves about small things, but always seem to take the high road and find the solution that will fix all issues.  Hearing this again has made me realize that I possess some of these leadership qualities but did not look at it as an ethical issue, but one that must be done. 

All in all, I have learned how to manage a district financially.  In learning many of these skills, I have been able to see where my strengths and my competencies lie.  After completing this Finance class, I time management is essential to being successful as a leader.  Also, looking at budgetary needs and having the skills to manage a district budget financially is also something that Superintendents need to know.  Forecasting budgetary needs for the district is another area that leaders must understand.
Having a relationship with the Board of Directors is a must.  I have learned that communication is essential to a successful relationship with the Board of Directors.  My superintendent has made it clear that communication must occur on a daily basis in order to share pertinent information with board members.
This class has given me the background to see financially into a district and determine where the majority of the money is spent.  I have been able to understand how the budget works and see how different areas are funded within the budget.  In short, I feel that I have been able to expand my knowledge of the financial end of the spectrum.


  1. Ethical conduct seems so easy, but these examples you stated continue to show how human decisions can be influenced in a negative way.

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