Saturday, February 18, 2012

Part E: Three Year Professional Development Plan and SISE Evaluaton

Three Year Professional Development Plan

Competency and Domain
(What do you want to improve?)
Course Work/Book/
(How do you want to improve?)
Professional Support
(Who will help you improve?)

Date of
(How will you know you have improved?)
I want to plan a  professional development activity to help teachers learn how to pull small group interventions within the classroom.
Comp. 5
Increase teacher usage of small group interventions within the classroom to improve student understanding.
Attend and provide workshop in our district
Asst. Sup.
Dec. 2012
Teachers are using this in classrooms.
I want to create PLCs to improve rigor in classroom.
Comp 2
Improve morale and help staff learn to work together.
Book Study
Campus Principal
May 2014
Staff evaluation
I want to improve Community Involvement and help parents understand how to work with their child.
Comp 3
Family Reading and Math Night to increase parent involvement
Family Reading/Math Night
Campus Principal
May 2013
Increase parent participation to 100 per night.
I want to implement a schedule to provide immediate intervention and have students read silently for 30 minutes.
Comp 2
Schedule intense intervention time during silent reading time.

Campus Principal/Assistant Superintendent
May 2013
Increase STAAR performance.
I want to improve my communication skills with our School Board.
Comp 4
Continue attending school board meetings.

Assistant Superintendent/ School Board Members
May 2015
Become comfortable with and communicate with school board members on a monthly basis.
Attend a professional development class on campus morale.
Comp 6
Attend a professional development class on creating a campus climate.

Campus Principal
May 2014
Campus survey to see culture change.
I want to increase my knowledge of the budget and finance end of the district.
Comp 8
Attend a professional development class on budget.

Assistant Superintendent / CFO
May 2015
Certificate of attendance.

In looking at my professional development plan, I feel comfortable with the majority of the competencies, but focused on some areas that I want to improve upon. In my plan, I tried to focus on improvements that would benefit myself as an instructional leader as well as my campus and district, too. I want to improve upon my instructional leadership and focus on bringing more specific types of professional development to our district. I also want to improve the quality of the professional learning communities and the professional dialogue within my school district. Not only will these things help improve the district; they will also help me become a better instructional leader. Community involvement is another area where improvement can be made throughout the school district, which is something I can focus on. Developing a relationship with the school board is another area where I want to improve upon my skills. I think that building a relationship with my school board will help me become a more involved leader within our school district. I feel that looking at the total package will help me become a better Superintendent in the future. In looking at workshops, I would like to attend a workshop on the budget process so I can improve my financial knowledge within my school district. These are several of the things I want to improve for myself in order to improve my leadership abilities.
SISE Evaluation Reflection:
I met with my site supervisor this week and we discussed my strengths and weaknesses within the competencies.  She felt like I understood the competencies and had worked very hard to complete this program.  She knew that one area of strength for me was with instructional leadership and that one area where I could improve upon was management of the physical plant.  She mentioned that one area where she needed to improve as well when she took this position was management of the physical plant.  One piece that helps her is that we have strong leadership within our areas and that helps our facilities run smoothly.  Our Directors are very knowledgeable and having managers who understand and are very good at their job has helped her feel comfortable with decisions that need to be made within the district. She felt that I had grown as a leader within our district and she was amazed at the goals I had accomplished throughout this program. 
Blog/Course Reflections:
I have been able to participate in the web conferences throughout this program as well as in this class.  These web conferences have given me the ability to put faces with names, which will increase my network greatly.  I have enjoyed sharing this time with all of our cohort members.  The best part of this program was being able to work with all of our cohort members and incorporate collaboration into this program.  I have had the opportunity to expand my professional network and learn how each school district may appear to be different, but for the most part, we are very similar in our approaches and our programs.  Learning new concepts has also given me the courage to implement new ideas into my campus.
I have completed my conferences with Jimmy Creel, which consisted of three web conferences.  He helped me understand different aspects of this program as well as prepare me for the next step in my educational career. 


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