Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Site Supervisor Conference

I have learned many things in conferencing with my supervisor.  We discussed in detail my internship plan and decided to change a section to include an interview that I completed.  I felt that she understood what my plan of action was and that since it was a living document, she also knows that it can change as things come up.  We also discussed in depth many ideas and areas that I need to improve in my experiences so I feel this will help me develop my plan of action more in detail. 


  1. It is great that your supervisor understood your plan of action and that it was a "living" document. It is also sounds like you got some great ideas to enhance your experiences.

  2. I too will be adjusting my plan throughout the internship. Have a great weekend.

  3. I think we all probably feel about the same about our plans needing some changes as we move through the year. As my supervisor said, 'Something will come up that you willl need to address." Isn't this a daily job of school leaders? We deal with what comes up! Stated pretty simply, but oh, so true!!
