Sunday, May 29, 2011

Action Research

     In creating this blog, I have learned many things about research.  There are many websites available that provide information about smart boards and how to use them in the classroom.  Interactive lessons and examples are available for teachers to use in their classes.  Accessing information via the web has allowed for instruction to be delivered in many different ways.  I have linked multiple websites that have lessons for many different things.  For example, I have lessons available for math, reading, and language arts.  There are varying styles and activities that can be used to keep students focused on learning.  Having these tools available, will also help educators find unique ways to motivate students.
     I would like to see educators utilize this blog to share their ideas and lessons to help others.  This page can give teachers another way to collaborate with each other and share ideas.  I would like to see multiple posts shown and lessons posted so they are available year after year.  I would like for this blog to be a spot where you can go and find interactive lessons for any topic you may need.  Also, you can tweak them or add to the lessons which will improve the quality of instruction over time.  Having smart board lessons available, will take the apprehensiveness of many teachers away because they are no longer creating each lesson, but they have a multitude of ideas at their fingertips to improve the instruction in their classrooms.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Smart Boards in the Classroom

Smart Boards are interactive white boards that allow students to manipulate objects, words or figures on the board. There are many games that can be created to give students that engaging part of learning. Possibilities are endless when it comes to using a smart board. I have posted many websites that share all sorts of lessons using whiteboards or other technology tools. Being able to exchange lessons and ideas can better enhance our student's understanding of the topics being taught.

Share Your Ideas With Others!!

Please share your lessons with others. Add a post and share a lesson! We would love to see how you incorporate technology into your classrooms!!

Integrating Technology into the Classroom

Are you struggling with integrating technology into the classroom? Well, there are many tools that can help you incorporate technology into your lessons. If you have a smart board, you can use the smart notebook software.